I have a bit of a different perspective from my viewing of “Leisure Seeker”, as I had my mother with me. Since this is the tale of an aging couple going out for one last vacation in their 1975 Winnebago Indian RV, I thought that having her with me could give me a better perspective. John (Donald Sutherland) and Ella (Helen Mirren) take us through a full range of life’s journey through how well they know and care for the other, what little things they do that annoy the other, how dependent they are on one another, how they communicate with each other.
There were moments throughout where we found representations of our family, such as the two children realizing the parents have taken off in the RV, with one adult child is pacing, panicking, wanting to call the police while the other is eating a piece of cake accepting that the parents are adult’s and doing what they have chosen to do. Although it has a few scenes that were a little slow, they fit well with what the movie was trying to convey. The entire emotional gambit is run here, so be prepared to laugh but don’t forget those tissues as well.
Watching this as I look at some of the issues covered that I could be facing while, my mother was relating to reaching a more mature stage in her future made this a more enjoyable movie watching experience for me.