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Jenn Rohm

Jenn Rohm Reviews "Men In Black: International"

The first “Men In Black” film (as well as its two sequels) has its place and was a great opportunity for Will Smith to be Will Smith, classifying itself as a “fun” time at the movies. Great for background noise when doing things around the house, it is possible to walk in and out and still able to follow what is going on.

With the spin-off in “MIB: International,” there could be a re-boot to save the franchise. F. Gary Gary is the director this time, and there is enough homage paid to the prior films along with enough changes to know the is something new. The film starts with the Columbia Pictures lady putting on her shades, and when the company will play with their logo, you know they believe in the product) Molly (Tessa Thompson) has done everything she can to join the team that does not exist to most of the world and figures out a way to make it inside the building, passing Frank the Pug (voiced by Tim Blaney) on her way in. Emma Thompson reprises her role as Agent O and sends the now dubbed Agent M overseas to help in the London Office, where she meets Agent High T (Liam Neeson) and Agent H (Chris Hemsworth), who need her help.

During their adventures, they meet Pawny (voiced by Kumail Nanjiani), and the verbal play between these three kept me engaged. The evil aliens are portrayed by French hip–hop dancers Les Twins (Larry and Laurent Bourgeois), who do get a moment to showcase a few of the moves they are known for. (Sorry, Star Lord it is not a Dance Battle.) I was so entertained overall that I didn’t even watch check until my tab was brought to me at the Aalmo Drafthouse that hosted our screening.

With filming having taken place in New York City, Morocco, Italy, and London, there truly is an international feel. This is a very enjoyable way to end what was a long day, so I am glad I went and saw it.

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