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Jenn Rohm Reviews "Thoroughbreds"

Jenn Rohm

In the vein of “Heathers”,” Cruel Intentions”, and “American Psycho”, Focus Features and Chapter Four brings us “Thoroughbreds”. In this strange and dark story, Anya Taylor-Joy plays Lily and Olivia Cooke plays Amanda, two young ladies that are trying to get their friendship on track and in doing so, hatch a plan that has so much potential to go awry… and kind of does.

I can appreciate Cory Finley’s skills as a playwright with moments of long drama filled dialog, but his directorial skills are a bit lacking. Relying on the camera panning back and forth between the actors on the screen to provide action added to the feel that I was at a play and not a movie. Perhaps this was intentional, but not enough for me to find it distinctive, unique, or even smart. Both Taylor-Joy and Olivia Cooke “A” game to the screen, which helps keep some of the plot holes from being overly distracting. The score for the movie is a bit out there, but it actually works well.

I cannot say that this is a bad film, but it is also not one that I would go out of my way to see again. Personally I would wait for this one to come out for home viewing.

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